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Can Kristen Stewart Break Away from Twilight Saga Stereotypes?
Although Bella Swan is now forever a part of Kristen Stewart’s professional career, fragile and docile Kristen Stewart is not, especially when it comes to choosing non Twilight Saga roles. With a respectable body of non Twilight work already on her resume prior to taking the role of Bella Swan, Kristen Stewart is one Twilight Saga actor we feel will be able to walk away from the Twilight Saga franchise without being pigeonholed by Twilight or New Moon to a stereotype degree that she won’t be able to find future work.
Stewart has shown great self-confidence on her ascent to the highest echelon of celebrity due to the success of the Twilight Saga, as millions of Twilight eyes watch her every move, ready to jump on any wrong turn, even if Kristen Stewart accidentally misses the trash can to throw away garbage. Headlines like "Kristen Stewart Litters!" or "Kristen Stewart Responsible for Global Warming" may follow, but the levelheaded New Moon teen doesn’t let the out-of-control Twilight Saga media hype rattle her confidence.
In an interview with The Sunday Times, Kristen Stewart spoke about simply being a teenager beyond the Twilight Saga. "I guess I have always felt older than I am," Stewart told The Sunday Times. "I felt I should have been an adult at the age of five. And I thought I was an adult when I was 12. I wasn’t like a warrior, but I have never been that kid who doesn’t care a fig about anything. It’s just the way I’ve been brought up," Kristen stated in response to Adventureland director Greg Mottola’s decision to cast her even without an audition.
Will Twilight and New Moon star Kristen Stewart also be able to navigate the social trappings of Hollywood that so many young starlets fall prey to in their young acting careers? If Stewart continues along a cinematic path of diversity beyond the Twilight Saga, her career may very well eclipse the over-hyped media machine of the Twilight Saga. Currently filming the Twilight Saga Eclipse in Vancouver with co-stars Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, Stewart’s next cinematic release will be the highly anticipated Joan Jett biopic, The Runaways in which she steps into the shoes of legendary female rocker, Joan Jett. It’s one small step away from the Twilight Saga, but one giant leap for Kristen Stewart in safeguarding against harmful Twilight stereotypes that would prevent her from a long and successful career as an actress.
-- Nadya VlassofSource
Michael Sheen won a GQ award and talking about how tight is the security on New Moon set

Michael Sheen says security was so tight on The Twilight Saga: New Moon that people couldn't even take photos on set.
The actor, who plays Aro in the film, told Newsbeat there was somebody who was given the task of preventing leaks.
He said: "I remember someone whose job was containment and I thought: 'What does that actually mean? Does that mean stopping people from getting on the set?'
"And it wasn't, it was to stop people on the set taking pictures and sending them out."
Sheen, star of Frost/Nixon and The Queen, revealed that Twilight fans were actually pretty well behaved during filming.
'Bit mental'"There's a lot of security but there was nobody hanging around the set or anything like that," he said.
"I think all the Twilight fans are very well behaved on the whole, they let them do the work and then when they're out and about they go a bit mental."
For Sheen though, the big bonus has to be the brownie points he's scored with his daughter.
He said: "The best thing about it is I'm now a poster on my own daughter's wall, which is about the best thing that could ever possibly happen.
"When they first asked me if I wanted to do it, I hadn't read the books or anything, so I had to ask my daughter what the character was like without tipping her off… because I didn't want to get her all excited if I didn't end up doing it.
"She said she thought Aro, my character, was bald but he's got long black hair so I hope I haven't ruined it for her by not being bald. She cried when I told her.
"No matter what happens I have to be at the premiere in LA. That's the whole reason she wanted me to do it, so she could go to the premiere."
Sheen was talking at the GQ Men of the Year Awards at the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden, where he scooped actor of the year.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon, is the second instalment in the vampire saga and it's released in the UK on 20 November 2009.
Filming has already begun on the third movie in the series, Eclipse.
Twilight spoof on Dance Flick
Here is the spoof of Twilight on Dance flick. Some says that they don't like it but I think it's funny. Please don't blame me. :)
Filmmakers to show select footage in the Washington town on Stephenie Meyer Day.
"We're pleased to announce that we're doing a sneak peek of our film 'Twilight in Forks' in Forks itself at Forks High School on Stephenie Meyer Day — which coincides with Bella's birthday — in the city of Forks," producer York Baur exlpained. "Last year, there were over a thousand fans that came to town for Stephenie Meyer Day, and we expect — given that there have already been 16,000 people that came to Forks just in the month of July alone — that there might be a pretty good turnout for Stephenie Meyer Day, and hopefully for our sneak peek."
The small logging town, whose population hovers around a mere 3,000 people, has become a Disneyland for Twilighters ever since Meyer selected it as the hometown for such characters as Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black. Continuing to embrace its newfound notoriety, the town will host Stephenie Meyer Day 2009 on Saturday and Sunday, and it seems only appropriate that a film about the book series' relationship with Forks would host its first screening of select footage there on a first-come, first-serve basis Saturday at the very real Forks High.
And to give fans another little taste of what they'll see this weekend — or next month in their home — Baur and director Jason Brown brought along another teaser trailer to unveil with their announcement.
"This will give you a little taste of some of the actual real people of Forks," Brown explained. "And what their impression of vampires and werewolves are in and around the town."
One of the filmmaker's favorite locals was a gentleman who is helping to keep the region's logging community alive — and is far from your typical "Twilight" fan. "There's a fellow that works in a mill there," Brown explained. "Forks has a big logging community and with Shake Mill, where this fellow works, he has spent some time in the woods as a logger. So, we asked him about vampires and werewolves and we talked about recent Forks High School graduates."
"You'll get three categories," Bauer said of the nature of their film, looking forward to unveiling much of it this weekend for the first time. "You get a sense of the beauty of Forks, you get a sense of some of the fantasy that has pervaded reality, and then of course you get the reality."
Ashley Green a fashion correspondent for MTV
Rob and Kris with fan last weekend
Jimmy Fallon-Robert Pattinson is bothered
This is Jimmy Fallon doing again Robert Pattinson is bothered. This time it's not very funny but hearing him say I'm bothered cracks me up :D
In less than a year Robert Pattinson has gone from “that handsome guy who played Cedric Diggory” in the Harry Potter films to the world’s most desired movie star.
But now, on the cusp of even bigger success with the impending release of New Moon and Eclipse currently being filmed in Vancouver, it may all slip away from R-Pattz, thanks to his recently accelerated romance with his on-and-off-screen girlfriend Kristen Stewart.
Because it’s not only his legions of female fans who might be disappointed to see Rob taken off the bachelor block by Kristen — there’s also the folks behind the Twilight films.
A real-life romance between the two would subvert New Moon’s entire story line, in which Bella falls for hunky werewolf Jacob Black, played by 17-year-old Taylor Lautner, and the studio brass want the Bella-Jacob spark to appear equally as plausible as the Bella-Edward relationship.
“The producers took Rob and Kris aside and told them to keep their relationship under wraps for a few more months,” an insider tells OK!. “But they’re so much in love, they can’t keep their hands off each other.”
It’s made life a bit of a pressure cooker for the two young superstars. “They’re crazy about each other, and they want to shout it from the rooftops,” says an Eclipse set insider. “But they’re also part of this massive machine called Twilight and producers have this thing timed with scientific precision. They don’t want Rob and Kristen to tell the world about their relationship until the time is right.”
Adds the source, “Rob’s whole world is Kristen. I’m surprised he even knows his lines because he’s so absorbed with her. He has no time whatsoever for his guy friends and has cut virtually everyone off so he can spend every waking moment with Kristen. He’s all about his woman.”
Regardless of whether he’s jeopardizing his career by moving toward marriage with Kristen, Rob is clearly ready and willing to take the risk. “Trust me; he generally does what he’s told by producers,” one source tells OK!, “but this kid has a strong will of his own, and if he wants to walk around Vancouver with Kristen in front of the world, he’s going to.”
I hope that this is true and that they are really very much in love, although i don't like that they supposedly hide this because of Summit. :(