Ted predictions of Robsten at the VMA's
We are, of course, aware of the drama surrounding the Missing Rob Seating Card, but that's because it's still up in the air as to where R.Pattz's adorable derriere will be parked.
See, no one in the Twilight gang is up for an award. They are simply there to do a little promo and to introduce the new trailer, which we told you about first, with much more Rob.
Since Rob gets accosted, like, everywhere he goes, some peeps are hesitant about where to seat him. Trust us, we've seen this firsthand: It's a damn frenzy during commercial breaks, with fans running up to him for pictures. Rob being the nice guy he is will always oblige, but he can only keep his cool so long!
So whether R.Pattz will be next to K.Stew will be a mystery until shortly before showtime. But he's got a seat there if he wants it. It's Robert Pattinson after all!
One of our predictions? Sorry, but let's get practical: There's a good chance R.Pattz could skip the carpet, arrive late only to announce new clip and bounce. But those 10 seconds of him onstage will be worth watching, right? If you answered in the affirmative, you're reading the wrong blolumn.
Here is the hole trailer. The beginning and the end are extended. Man it's heartbreaking when bella says noooo, please please :( I just started crying:(
Summit confirms that Edward will drive the same car that he drove in New moon
"Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town" to be distributed by Summit
MTV News has learned that the studio behind the "Twilight" movies has spent the last several days negotiating with director Jason Brown and producers York Baur and Peter Cowles to distribute their independent film about the tiny Washington town that inspired a phenomenon. Summit plans to release the documentary in conjunction with the "New Moon" DVD release, both of which will hit stores in early 2010.
Although the news will postpone the film's release by a few months, it's a natural fit for the doc, whose full title is "Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town." Brown and Baur were very visible at June's "Summer School in Forks" symposium, where they shot many of the interviews for the film — a for-the-fans exploration into where "Twilight" ends, Forks begins, and an increasingly blurry line exists between the two.
"One of the things that you'll see in the film is how vampires actually relate to Forks, and whether there's some truth to the characters that you're familiar with," three-time Emmy winner Brown told MTV recently about the film, which was shot with high-definition cameras to capture the region's unique, rain-soaked beauty. "You'll see shots of the forest and some shots of signs about vampires. ... You'll meet a real-life Bella and a real-life Alice that are in Forks."
The "Twilight in Forks" team will be sticking with plans to unveil exclusive footage from the film on Saturday at a special screening in Forks to celebrate Stephenie Meyer Day, as previously announced. Keep checking back with MTV News for coverage of that event, as well as more upcoming news on "Twilight in Forks" and "New Moon." And don't forget to tune in to the VMAs on Sunday to see Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner present a never-before-seen extended trailer from the "Twilight" sequel.
HQ promotional stills New Moon-Volturi, Edward, Bella, Alice
Gossip cop-Bad Sequel: No Juice to Robert Pattinson Steroids Claim
Showbiz Spy and others are reporting today that Kristen Stewart has denied Robert Pattinson uses steroids.
Well, that’s a relief . . . wait, what???
Gossip Cop follows all things “Twilight” pretty closely, but can’t recall EVER hearing accusations that the British heartthrob was, as they say, ‘on the juice.’ So it was suspicious when outlets today began to pick up quotes that Stewart “recently” gave reporters, supposedly about Pattinson’s body. “Yes, he’s jacked. It’s absolutely crazy,” the actress said, adding, “He’s definitely not on steroids.”
Hmm. Wasn’t most of the talk on the “New Moon” set (back when they were, you know, filming it instead of the next installment, “Eclipse”) about how Taylor Lautner beefed up for his role as hunky Jacob Black?
Yeah, it was – and so were Stewart’s quotes. She gave them while promoting “Adventureland” at a press junket way back in March, and she was talking about Lautner, not Pattinson.
Oops. Gossip Cop hopes the “Twilight” sequels themselves turn out to be better than the rumor sequels the media puts out.
Well yeah i was right about that one :P :)
Robert Pattinson ‘not on steroids’ says Kristen Stewart
Kristen also admitted that she’s finding the huge amount of attention she receives for her role as Bella Swan a lot easier to handle this time around.
“So much easier,” she said. “It's just experience, it's just realising it's a different world. I'm just more aware, like I'm not as freaked out by it.”
The female star then went on to talk about her upcoming role in a biopic as wild rocker Joan Jett.
“Joan is a remarkable role model for any young girl,” Kristen explained. “She was the first female to start a record label, she's an activist, a feminist and a great role model.”
Well this story look like the one I posted early where they ask Kristen if Taylor is on steroids
Rob and Kristen on romantic getaway
Said a source: “The weather was really nice and there are a lot of outdoorsy things to do, but they just stayed in their room most of the time."
Gee, we wonder why? ;)
Meanwhile, Kristen, Rob and many in the New Moon cast will appear Sunday night at the MTV Video Music Awards. Remember what happened the last time Robsten accepted an aware on stage at a MTV event?
Well i don't know if this is true it's sounds a little unreal, but if it is true then good for them :)
MTV talks what we'll see in the trailer
But there is much more to the trailer than just Alice's shiny yellow Porsche. The element that will probably get the most people excited is the inclusion of Dakota Fanning as the evil vampire Jane (only briefly glimpsed in the last trailer), who has the power to create illusions of pain. The new trailer opens up with a shot of her in Volturi garb and then shows the rest of the Volturi guard before revealing Michael Sheen's Aro — the head of the Volturi — snapping a poor human's neck.
The trailer then hits lightly on Edward breaking up with Bella and the heartbreaking shot of her lying bereft on the forest floor. But it quickly moves on to Bella seeing a vision of Edward with his car at Forks High, and then we see Jacob comforting her after the fact. One of the locations the twosome are sitting at is the movie theater in the scene Mike Welch and Taylor Lautner fought so hard to keep in the film.
Director Chris Weitz showed how he kicked the CGI up to the next level by including clips of Bella trying to outrace visions of Edward on her motorcycle and a lot more of the cliff jump than was showed in "Meet Jacob Black." It is almost a work of art as Bella is floating under the water and sees Edward hovering upside down next to her after her jump. When an arm comes to pull her out of the water, she reaches out to touch Edward, and the illusion gets muddled and washed away.
The rest of the trailer revolves around Alice telling Bella about Edward's plan, Bella's epic run to save him, hints of some abs as Edward prepares to walk shirtless into the sunlight and some shots of the Volturi looking ready to kill spliced with a full wolf pack transformation. Bella's token line, "No, Edward, don't!" is thrown in for good measure, and the trailer ends on a high note, with Jane stating, "This may hurt just a little."
It will be interesting to see what extra footage will be added to the trailer at the VMAs, though an extension of any of the scenes shown will be something to look forward to. In the spirit of "Twilight Saga" clips shown at MTV awards shows, whatever is shown is sure to be enough to whip fans into a frenzy.
Kristen Stewert Twilight and Adventureland interview

Written by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub
Just a few hours ago I did what many, many “Twilight” fans wish they could’ve done….I participated in a roundtable interview with Kristen Stewart. The reason she was out doing press today is she’s got a great new movie called “Adventureland” coming to theaters and she was doing some press before leaving for Vancouver to start shooting the next “Twilight” movie “New Moon”. In the next week or so I’ll have the entire transcript posted, but I figured all you “Twilight” fans would want to read what she said about that movie right now.
Thankfully, Kristen was in great spirits, so when we finally started talking about “New Moon” she was cool with the questions. But while many are just looking forward to “New Moon” and “Eclipse”, she’s also going to be playing Joan Jett in "The Runaways", and after hearing her talk so passionately about the project, I can see it means a great deal to her.
But enough about what I thought…here’s what Kristen said about her upcoming movies. And if you’d like to listen to the audio of the interview click here. Just know it’s the entire interview she did with Jesse Eisenberg. If you’d like to hear the stuff that’s posted below, it’s the last 7 minutes or so. Finally, for more on "Adventureland", click here.
Question: You're getting ready to shoot the new 'Twilight' film. What are you most looking forward to?
Kristen Stewart: Just picking up sort of where we left off. The story, there's like a six month period in between where the first one ended and the second on picks up, but nothing’s changed. They're at a good, solid point in their relationship. I'm interested to see him leave because that's what the first one is entirely based on, that abandoned devotion ultimate love story. Now she's going to be stripped of that and Bella is actually an interesting character on her own. Taylor Lautner is Jacob. It was under deliberation for a while so we're glad that he's doing it.
He was saying at the time that he was working out and was going to be twenty pounds heavier.
Kristen: He's jacked. It's crazy.
I saw a photo and he looks like he's on steroids he's so big.
Kristen: He's not on steroids.
He must've been doing some serious gym time.
Kristen: Yes.
Were you shocked when you saw the transformation?
Kristen: Yeah. I've seen the steady progression and I've seen him a lot since then. If I had seen Taylor who did 'Twilight' to the Taylor right now who's about to start 'New Moon', he's an entirely different person physically. I mean, it took him so much time. He's so devoted. He's amped, he’s really excited.
I heard the third one comes out the following summer. What does that mean for you guys as actors, are you going to be these characters for the next year? Do you get a break in between the next one?
Kristen: I have a movie in between. I do 'New Moon' and then we do 'The Runaways' and then we do ‘Eclipse’.
Are you Joan Jett?
Kristen: Yes. [Click to enlarge]
So are you looking forward to that?
Kristen: Yes.
What kind of research are you doing?
Kristen: I'm just trying to immerse myself in the music scene, not in the scene, but to educate myself about it.
Has there been any question about playing Joan Jett from the people who are putting out Twilight for all these young teenage girls…
Kristen: Luckily they have nothing to say, yeah.
You're not concerned about that image at all because of all the young girls who are crazy about you?
Kristen: Joan is such a remarkable role model for any young girl. I mean, she was the first female to start a record label. She was so young, if not eighteen I think she was in her early twenties. She's an activist. She's a feminist. She's a great role model.
Are you going to be doing your own singing?
Kristen: I don't know yet, to be honest. I want to very badly but I also want it to sound right and I don't know if it'll be a combination where they lay our voices on top of each other or if it'll be just her or just me. We'll see. We'll see how able the other actors are to play the music themselves. It would be awesome. We're definitely on band practice. We're definitely going to be a group of people who can actually make music together. There's a lot of performance in the movie.
And Dakota Fanning is in both movies, right?
Kristen: Yep.
Have you worked with her before?
Kristen: No.
So you'll be spending like the next year with her basically on set.
Kristen: Yeah, absolutely. I've always loved what she's done. She's very controlled and poised. In terms of her actual work that she makes, it's always so different. She's gonna rock this. You talk about a band, she's going to have to lose herself in this because it's really pretty heavy.
Is there a sequence that you're looking forward to shooting?
Kristen: God, yeah. There are so many iconic ones. The relationship that's really interesting is Cheri and Joan, the two front men of the band. They get tattoos together in Japan and obviously they still have those tattoos. I'm looking forward to that just because it's such a fun part of the movie. I like the big conflict. Cheri can't really handle the success, nor does she want it necessarily in that respect. Joan is a very steady, self-assured and she knows this kick started her whole career. So to watch it all fall apart and her still stand, I'm excited about that. It's a really explosive scene. Amps are kicked through and guitars are smashed.
How is starting 'New Moon' knowing what to expect? You know now what the 'Twlight' thing is.
Kristen: It's so much easier. I mean, it's just experience and it's realizing that it's a different world. I'm just more aware. It's easier. I'm not as freaked out by it. It's all proven to be fine and at first I was just kind of freaked out. I was scared of it.
Does that mean you can have fun with it or are you still at the point where fun is a possibility?
Kristen: I mean, sometimes things are fun, but as long I just say what I mean and it's not entirely jumbled and I feel like some things gotten across. As long as I keep doing what I like to do then whatever happens with all this stuff is just going to happen and it's just whatever.
Are you doing a t-shirt line with Nikki?
Kristen: Oh, yeah, we're messing around with some t-shirts, but not like a line. I mean, we're like Sharpie drawing. Maybe you'll see them and maybe you won't.
Here is the link to the audio interview http://media.collider.com/collider_audio/Adventureland_Audio_Interviews/kristen_stewart_and_jesse_eisenberg_adventureland_audio_interview.mp3
Chaske Spencer on Radar Online Part II
Get the rest of the Chaske Spencer interview on Radar Online.
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Kristen:Vampires are sexy

KRISTEN Stewart has revealed she finds vampires very sexy.
The Twilight actress, who is rumoured to be head-over-heels for her co-star Robert Pattinson, says she finds the idea of "completely letting something take over" very interesting.
She said: "Vampires are sexy because they are meant to draw you in to the point where they have you in a complete state of submission.
"So that's sexy a little bit - to give yourself to something to completely let something take over."
And Kristen, who has so far refused rumors she is romancing heartthrob Robert Pattinson off-screen, added: "It's forbidden fruit, something you can't have but just want more."
The actress, who is currently in Vancouver with the rest of the cast shooting Eclipse, has become a household name for the role in the Twilight saga.
But worldwide attention has posed some problems for the young starlet, who has kept a low-profile since filming began.
The 19-year-old was reportedly spotted leaning in for a kiss with Rob at a Kings Of Leon concert, fuelling speculation their on-screen love has entered their real lives too.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon - the second film in the series - also starring Robert Pattinson, will be released November 20th.
Kristen is currently starring in Adventureland, which hits UK cinemas today.
OK magazine
New "New Moon" trailer before Sorority Row
- Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus
- Felix fighting Edward
- Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
- Bella begging them to not hurt him
- Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we've already heard)
- Bella in the woods
- Bella in despair in her room
- Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
- Bella and Jacob with Jacob's "I would never hurt you" line
- Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
- Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella saying it's the only way she can see him
- Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying "so you're an adrenaline junkie now"
- Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
- Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
- Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
- Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
- Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
- Volterra and the parade
- Shirtless Edward
- Bella running to stop him in the fountain
- Jane saying something like 'this may hurt a little'
Twilight fame hasn't changed Kristen
Eisenberg, who worked with Stewart on this week's coming-of-age comedy before she starred as Bella Swan in Twilight, told DS that the 19-year-old is coping well with her success.
"Nobody really changes," he said. "It's not the most comfortable thing to be in the spotlight so much. I've seen her since filming of course and under the circumstances she's handling it very well. I think it would make me crazy! Even the little publicity I get for this movie is making me so self-aware and uncomfortable, so I can't imagine what it's like for her."
Eisenberg added that his girlfriend is often mistaken for Stewart, saying: "When Adventureland came out [in the US], my girlfriend got recognised as Kristen. This has happened a few times with people on the street. Somebody said, 'Are you from Adventureland?' She was like, 'I can't believe this'."
Chris Weitz: Fansite Friday Interview Part II
Q: I’m wondering since you’re so good with CGI, and it’s your forte, how’s the design for the werewolves coming?
Chris: I think it’s going to be good. We’re taking Stephenie’s lead really they’re supposed to be wolves the size of horses. The temptation…we’ve avoided any temptation to kind of go Lon Chaney with it, or to make it kind of humanoid. The werewolves are very much creatures of nature.
Phil Tippet is doing the …it’s not me, I’m not the one who’s good at doing CGI I just happened to have lucked into working with people who are very good at it. So, I just know a good thing when I see it, and Phil Tippet who is a multi-Oscared guy (ILM) worked on Stars Wars and all that stuff is doing the wolves, and they’re going to be great. They’re going to be fantastic.
So and at the same time they are going to fit that world that’s already there. You can’t suddenly hop out of reality. Somehow what Stephenie manages to do is to mix the emotions that everybody feels at some point in their lives with these kinds of supernatural things: vampires and werewolves and stuff. It would be wrong if you suddenly saw a werewolf in a different kind of movie. They have to be carefully integrated. If there’s one thing I’m good at with CG is that I don’t like it to jump to the foreground too much. I like it to settle in like any other aspect.
Q: So it looks natural?
Chris: Yeah, Yeah.
Q: How is this compared to The Golden Compass just as a development process?
Chris: It’s been an easier process. Let me see how am I going to put this? I found a lot less interference from Summit in terms of…and a lot more understanding the books than A-Line had of Golden Compass. So I think there’s a studio that understands the importance of the books…the studio…the members of which who have read the books and appreciate them and do not just see them as engines of possible profit. So that makes a tremendous difference. It really does.
There were a lot of parts in Twilight that were a homage to the cover and Stephenie had a cameo. Are there any plans to put your spin on that I this movie at all?
Well I know that Stephenie did not like the tulip on the cover. So we won’t seeing that. Let me see, I don’t know that there are any trick cameos per say, but every time I make a movie I definitely want there to be 20-30 moments where if you had a DVD and stopped it and really looked carefully to see what was going on…whether it be kind of strange bits of foreshadowing, sort of as though you could see into the future in certain scenes or whether it would just be little moments that passed by unnoticed, or details of the architecture of things. I love doing that sort of stuff.
Q: It sounds like it’s going to be very multilayered and well done.
Chris: Yeah I think I mean nothing in a bad way like placement advertising (Bella prefers Pepsi…drink Coke).
Part of my job in preproduction assembling the team to make the movie is to try to find the right people to make the movie that everyone cares about the details intentionally. So it is going to be incredibly layered intentionally.
And when for instance, all the kids who were all First Nations…they call them First Nations here, what you’d call Native Americans in America, went and saw Jacob’s house which you only saw for like 10 seconds I the movie…like just walking them through the house for the first time was a great experience because it…they’re like, “Wow, this feels just like the house I grew up in on the reservation.” And it wasn’t the reservation like what one imagines in a clichéd kind of way. It was just the fact that in La Push people have lots and lots of picture of their family up on the wall and little bits of carving, or this or that whatever it may be.
All these details were very carefully researched, that our production team went down to La Push and you know met people there. There are fun little details. A girl from La Push gave a member of our production team her first drum. You’re supposed to give away your first drum . It was really great. And so we put it in the movie. It’s there in the movie she’ll see it. Little things like that where it might be just a little reference from us to one person. These little things accrue and mean something.
Q:What has been your biggest challenge?
Chris It’s a challenge to make a movie anyway, especially one that’s coming out in November. Probably the biggest challenge will be getting it out on time and making sure that every little detail at least in my mind is right. I’m rather obsessive and I tend to be a worry-wart about things. You know going into it that there’s going to be a lot of interest, that people are going to see it. For me that’s not enough, like I really want to deliver on everything that I’ve promised. So that’s the really tough thing, making sure that you don’t just go do your job and go home. Every second is an opportunity either exploited or wasted to get something right basically.
Q: Do you have a composer in store for us?
Chris: Alexandre Desplatis going to be the composer who is extraordinary. He did the score for Benjamin Button, Golden Compass. He worked for Syriana. He is an extraordinary talent in general but especially for something that has a kind of romantic swoop to it. He has this kind of comprehensive familiarity for romantic music but can also work in multiple sizes of orchestra, multiple genres. He can work with synthesizers, work with ethnic percussion ensembles. He can work with symphonies. I know that he is going to do something beautiful. I also know that sometimes when we are shooting something that I am going to be leaving room for his music. And that’s going to be this other layer that is going to bring so much to it.
Q: Have you made any progress on the soundtrack yet. Any bands that you are looking at or have you thought about any particular songs or a tone that you are going for?
Chris: Of course a lot of the tone of the movie is melancholy, and so it’s kind of an opportunity to do the breakup album of all time. (laughs) And yeah there’s a bit room for songs that correspond more to Jacob and to his sunny quality his goodness. To be honest, no. I haven’t yet figured out who is going to be on the soundtrack yet. We are in a really nice position because Alexandra Patsavas, who was the music supervisor on the first movie, is coming back. We’re in a really great position of that album of having done so well that bands are now terribly interested.
Q: Do you have a preference underground bands or mainstream, do you have a preference as far as that?
Chris: Umm I really don’t have any particular preference. I would like it to be a mix basically. It’s whatever is right for the tone as long as it fits.
Q: Have you seen any costume designs for the Volturi. How is it different from the books.
Chris: It fits with the books.
Q: The Black cloaks?
Chris: Yes the black cloaks are all there. The degrees of blackness are very carefully kind of rationed out.
Q: The sets for the Volturi’s lair?
Chris: I think the set for the Volturi’s lair is going to be really interesting for the fans. It’s going to be really fun. It’s first of all one of the biggest sets I’ve ever seen. It’s one of the grandest that I’ve ever seen. It’s what it deserves. (Well they are the Volturi) They’re a big deal. (They don’t go small) No, they don’t go small. (laughs)I think it’s first of all just shooting Volterra itself obviously you have to get that right the race to the square and all that but when we get inside it’s going to be fairly extraordinary. I’m very happy with it.
Q: Are you filming the interiors here in Vancouver?
Chris: Were filming the interiors here. Yeah we’re building the interiors because we get to make up that interior and control it ourselves. The exteriors belong in Italy.
Q: How the chase seen looking, is it any longer, and changes?
Chris: Not really. No I think we are going to try to deliver down to the yellow Porsche to get the details right.
Ashley Gets "Battered and Bruised" on Eclipse Se
The actress, who recently signed on to be MTV News’ VMA preshow fashion correspondent, assured fans that if you see pictures of her all black-and-blue, there’s no need to worry for her well-being.
“It’s going really smoothly. It’s going really well,” she said. “We’re all working really hard and learning how to kick butt. I don’t know if you’ve seen recent pictures, but I have bruises all over my body. It’s those wires. It looks like a hand mark on my arm, and it’s definitely from wires.”
Peter Travers' Fall Movie Preview:New Moon
November 20th
This sequel might just hack it as the fall’s fattest cash cow. The first film from Stephenie Meyer’s four-book series of bloodsucking lore collected nearly $400 million worldwide. And that was before Robert Pattinson, as vegan vampire Edward Cullen, found his suitable-for-sucking face on every tween’s bedroom wall. It could hurt that Pattinson cedes screen time in the sequel to Taylor Lautner as Jacob, the werewolf who fights Edward for the human heart of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart). But my guess is it’ll double the pleasure of Twi-hards who won’t care if critics snicker. They did the first time. Like that mattered.
Access Hollywood top 10 brightest stars-Kristen, Taylor and Dakota
7. Dakota Fanning
As we have watched Dakota Fanning grow up on the big screen, the actress has come into her own recently with a new look that sheds the former child star image. Her style, while still age appropriate, incorporates colorful dresses, casual fitted jeans and ballet flats. Dakota’s choices in roles have also taken a new tone, as she is about to appear this fall in her first sinister role as the vampire Jane in “New Moon.”
5. Kristen Stewart
Seen out sporting colorful pairs of retro sneakers with edgy print dresses, Kristen Stewart definitely has a style all her own and she isn’t afraid to show it. In addition to being the queen of “The Twilight Saga” franchise, she’s not slowing down anytime soon. She recently appeared in “Adventureland” and has completed shooting for “The Runaways.” For the latter, she sported a punk rock do for her role as Joan Jett, and rocked the ‘80s look like few teens her age are able to.
3. Taylor Lautner
Taylor Lautner has won over everyone from Summit Entertainment executives to teen girls around the world. He alone has been the root cause behind switching allegiances from Team Edward to Team Jacob in “The Twilight Saga” franchise. He has become a fashion star as well, appearing on the red carpet in sharp Calvin Klein suits as well as earning the title of InStyle’s Man of Style. With two (and maybe three) more “Twilight Saga” films ahead of him, Taylor’s not slowing down anytime soon.
Death Cab For Cutie Talk Inspiration Behind 'New Moon' Song
'Meet Me on the Equinox' is 'based on tones' of the 'Twilight' series, Ben Gibbard says.
Given that their song "Meet Me on the Equinox" is the first single off the upcoming "New Moon" soundtrack, you would think that Death Cab for Cutie would be flush with information about the much-anticipated "Twilight" sequel.
Well, you'd be wrong.
"I think they're still trying to find a place for the song in the film," DCFC frontman Ben Gibbard laughed. "We keep hearing either the beginning or end ... we have about as much information about this movie as [MTV] viewers do. We wrote a song for the thing and we don't know what's going on. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
Luckily, the Death Cab guys were a little more forthcoming with information about the song itself, as we discovered when we visited the set of the "Equinox" music video last week in Toronto, Canada.
The inspiration behind the tune is drawn more from Gibbard's own life rather than the lives of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, he explained.
"The song at its core is just about meeting another halfway, because life is very short, because there's only a brief period of time to really connect with people, and that it's important to recognize that," Gibbard said. "I haven't read all of the 'Twilight' books, but I know a bit about them, and I think the song is really based on tones of the series.
"Like, I think it would've been really easy to write a song that was like a book report, and I've always kind of disliked book report songs, even though I'm guilty of a couple myself over the years," he continued. "I just wanted something that kind of tonally matched the story and the scenes within the film, so they could kind of be put alongside but not be telling a narrative you're watching on the screen."
Then again, all of that might change next week. Seems that — as is the case with anything he writes — Gibbard is constantly trying to understand the inspiration behind "Equinox."
"Whenever we make a record or finish writing a song, [and] it ends up in the world, I feel like I'm always in a process of trying to understand them myself," he said. "Because you kind of write songs from a particular place in your consciousness, and then you have to later make sense of why you wrote things the way you did, because you're kind of channeling it as you write it."
David Slade twitters
Jamie Cambell Bower talks New Moon
With only two more months left before "New Moon" finally hits theaters, many fans have begun looking past the series' stars (RPattz, KStew, Taycob) and wondering who the next big breakout will be. And while it might be smart to place your money on such newcomers as Kiowa Gordon, Dakota Fanning or Cameron Bright, we feel like the man to beat might just be Jamie Campbell Bower.
Handsome, witty and starring in the high-profile role of Volturi vampire Caius, Bower has one secret weapon at his disposal that his co-stars don't: two other high-profile projects (the next "Harry Potter" movie, TV's "The Prisoner") scheduled to wage war on our pop-culture awareness soon.
When we caught up with Bower, the up-and-coming Brit was eager to deliver some surprising news about his accent, walking in the "Potter"/"Twilight" footsteps of Robert Pattinson, and why he enjoys tearing people apart.
(And don't miss the exclusive "New Moon" trailer premiering at the 2009 Video Music Awards on Sunday, presented by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.)
MTV: So, Jamie, you told us that you experimented with different accents while working on "New Moon." Is it safe to say that Caius and the other Volturi will have Italian accents, since they live in Volterra?
Jamie Campbell Bower: Actually, I have an English accent. Because they're so old — they're 2,000 years old, these guys — they would've tried [everything]. They're speaking English now, but they wouldn't have spoken English throughout all of their life. And so there's sort of a round vowel sound. The R's are very pronounced. It's kind of strange. It's almost medieval, the way we speak.
MTV: We're going to see you in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" as Gellert Grindlewald, joining Rob as the only actor to have a foot in both of these phenomenally huge franchises. Have you guys bonded over this?
Campbell Bower: Well, Rob is quite a significant character in the "Potter" movies, I believe, from what I can remember. My character is a bit smaller.
MTV: Have you and Rob discussed things he learned as he tried to go from one franchise to the other? Did he have pointers for you?
Campbell Bower: No. There isn't much difference between them, apart from the story. They're both massive franchises, and they both work like a machine, you know? Everyone's on time, and everyone's doing the best job that they can.
MTV: Some people might say that "Twilight" is more for girls, while boys enjoy "Potter" more. Would you agree?
Campbell Bower: I'd say that they've both got fairly specific fanbases. "Twilight" is more for your 13- to18-year-olds, although there are people who obviously enjoy it — older people — which is great. But I think the main audience is the 13- to 18-year-olds, maybe because of Rob and the fact that they love Edward. [As for] "Harry Potter," it's a bit younger. Although the recent films are a bit dark. I saw [a "Potter" film] the other day, and I thought it was quite scary. You've also got your older audience [there].
MTV: What's the difference between how you approach each franchise?
Campbell Bower: Like, am I playing them the same? No, I mean, they're two different characters, they're two different people. [To play them the same] would be like, "I've just eaten some cheese, and now I'm eating an apple, and it tastes like cheese." When you're filming anything, you've just got to believe in the character and believe yourself that you are the character.
MTV: What's the one scene in "New Moon" you most enjoyed filming?
Campbell Bower: Well, there's a particular scene where we rip this guy apart, and I just sit there smiling and really enjoying it. When I got the script, I was like, "That's the one I want to do the most!," because there's nothing to say. It's really sordid, gross and really grim — that was pretty fun.
Twilight-Fail for MTV Awards Host Russell Brand
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner may be appearing at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, but that doesn't mean show host Russell Brand knows a thing about Twilight.
When I caught up with Brand earlier today during VMA rehearsals at Radio City Music Hall, he made no apologies for not being able to tell me if he was Team Edward or Team Jacob...
"I don't know what those words mean," the British bad boy explained. "I am afraid I am not the demographic. I wish them both well, but I don't think I am their type of audience."
That doesn't mean Twilight won't get plenty of attention. "You just look at the landscape and see what's prevalent," Brand said. "It's pretty obvious what things are going to work and what things people are interested in."
Does that mean he's gunning for the Jonas Brothers again? Brand came under some serious criticism last year when he mocked the JoBros for their purity rings.
"If you'd have asked me last year, 'Is the script controversial?' I would've said no," Brand said. "So perhaps I am not the best barometer of what constitutes as controversial."
Meanwhile, the seating plan was coming along nicely this afternoon. Except there was no marker for Pattinson. I'm told producers haven't been told yet whether he will be sitting in the audience during the show.
Lautner and Stewart are definitely there. They're a seat apart from each other in the fifth row, as is Ashley Greene.
As our pals over at The Awful Truth stress, Robsten PDA at the VMAs is unlikely. However, we do suspect Pattinson will be slipping into one of those empty seats next to Stewart.